

If you would like to make a monetary donation to help pay for Tanya's medications, medical treatment and care, we'd like to thank you in advance and ask you to please send your donation for Tanya via PayPal

If you would like to snail mail a donation in another payment form,

please contact Tanya's Godmother and webmaster, Tina.


Current Transportation Request FILLED!...

July 15, 2010

American Medical Response/Medic West to the Rescue!


We're so thrilled that we heard from Michael Gorman (on behalf of his wonderful employees!) the General Manager of American Medical Response, in our request for transporting Tanya both safely and comfortably to and from her upcoming brain surgery!
Here's what Michael had to say: 

"Hello Tanya! I hope this email finds you well.  I am the general manager for American Medical Response and Medic West Ambulance here in Southern Nevada.  We are the men and women who respond to the nearly six hundred 911 calls per day in Clark County (including Las Vegas and North Las Vegas). My employees saw your story today on Channel 13 news and the calls came pouring into my office asking if there was a way for us to lend our assistance to you.  I am happy to say that I back their sentiment 100% and would like to know if we can set up a time to talk about the resources we have that can get you to your doctor’s appointment in California.  You will see my cell phone listed below – that is the fastest and most direct way to get a hold of me (or email). I look forward to speaking with you soon! My Best, Michael J Gorman"

"We at AMR and MedicWest were moved when we learned about Tanya’s story.  We immediately decided that we could provide Tanya with ambulance transportation to California where she will receive the medical care she needs.  We are honored to help her with this step during such a difficult journey, and wish her and her family our best.”
~Tony Greenway, EMT-P and Manager of Medic West Admin 

Michael, Tony and all the fine men and women at American Medical Response and Medic West...WE THANK YOU!

Additional thanks of appreciation go out to all the wonderful emails we got with offers of help, both transportation-wise and monetary!!!

In addition, News13 in Las Vegas is coming over to the house tonight to do a follow-up story on this entire wonderful chapter of the journey.


And here is that follow-up story!




Donation Gratitude's

"I can't thank you enough for your kind donations! Thank you and God's blessings. ~ Karen Strutynski" 


* "Santi" of Spain

* Alecia E. of Texas...Thank you Sweetie; and we do love you!

*John M. of Nevada (we're rooting for you too, John!)

*John B. of Wisconsin

*Kendra K. of Ohio

*Donald H. of Nevada

*Nuree S. of New Jersey

* Zorro and Zena (Left, and ever so beautiful!) of Nevada




*Manny & Hilda V. of Nevada


*Cynthia L. of Florida



"Filled" Donation Requests...Thank You!


Request Filled, Thank you Anonymous in Switzerland!


We are putting this out to you in hopes that someone will donate a computer keyboard with one inch keypads for Tanya (such as this Crayola Keyboard, Mouse and Pad trio available at Amazon for under $33.00).

Tanya's fingers are very large and the keypads on a regular sized computer are simply too difficult to maneuver. This keyboard would help her to be able to communicate with those on the Internet and to be able to write.

If you are willing to donate this type of item, PLEASE contact Tina through this link. Thank you for passing this request on to others!




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