This photo gallery is intended to allow you a more personal peek into Tanya's World. These are personal images that may  hopefully help answer some frequently asked questions about Tanya and her life.


Please read the permission agreement to the right. By looking at these photos you are automatically agreeing to our request.

Tanya's new pearl necklace...a gift from award winning New Mexico Jewelry Designer Anna Marie Gonzales Cupich. Tanya never owned pearls before now.

Tanya's new pearls

June 2010


Tina Valle & Tanya Angus

(I Love You Tanya!)


To enlarge any image, simply click on it.

All images in Tanya's Photo Gallery and on the Acromegaly Convention 2012 page are property of


If you wish to use any photos, please email and ask for permission. Wait for our approved reply before using. Thank you.





Just like any other woman, Tanya appreciates beautiful shoes and jewelry. Let's not forget her love of a fun soak in a bubble filled bath, when her assistant Cyndi comes to help. >>>>>

Tanya's slippers, (next to my size 9's)...a gift from Jerry at ShoeLabWorld

Tanya LOVES bubbles, but don't leave her alone with that bubble concoction!...

With a bit too much bubble bath liquid, Cyndi (Certified Nursing Assistant, aka CNA) is on the job!

Tanya's new computer keyboard arrives! A gift from a wonderful woman in Switzerland (who wishes to remain anonymous). Thank You! >>>>>

Tanya with her Mom and Maria. Maria is Tanya's state funded P.C.A. (personal care assistant)


Check with your State Government site for Grants and Programs to help those with Disabilities

Amazingly, the mouse that came with this set was filled with Tropical colored water and a floating Palm Tree. Tanya LOVES Palm Trees!

The one inch keypads are a perfect fit for Tanya's fingers.

Tanya showing me her 3 doses of medication for the day. >>>>>

Morning dose

Afternoon dose

Evening dose


June 7, 2010

Doctor's Visit >>>>>

L-R: Maria, Tanya, Karen and Niecee

Tanya's lost 60 pounds during her last hospital stay

L-R: Chakravarthy Kannan, M.D., Karen, Tanya and Aditi Singh, M.D., Assistant Professor

Doctor's Kannan and Singh website:


Mom Karen, resting her broken foot and mind a bit.

Doctor Ellen (The pediatrician who originally diagnosed Tanya with Acromegaly)  came to visit while Tanya was hospitalized with Leg and Lung Emboli in May 2010


A dream came true when Tanya got to swim with Dolphin!

Mom Karen gets some Dolphin love, too!

Allen, Tanya and Karen

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Tanya and Mom Karen with a baby mini horse


Tanya's Modified Bathroom and Doorways

July 2010

All Images in this row and the row below are Courtesy of and PROPERTY OF Chermac Builders

3 ft 6 in wide and 8 ft tall accessible entry to accommodate Tanya and her powerchair

Powerchair Accessible Doorways from bedroom (L) to toilet/shower (C) to sink/vanity (R)

Tanya's powerchair can now fit through the doorways to her modified bathroom

Wheelchair accessible roll in shower

Wheelchair accessible roll in shower

Tanya Angus and the Chermac Builders crew. A Special Thanks to Jeff (L)

A gift from sister Susie

A lovely seashell and net wallhanging

Mom and Tanya showing off Susie's gift

Tanya Angus and her Sister Susie