Tanya Angus had Acromegaly and was the only known case in the World where surgery, medication and other treatments had not been successful in stopping her growth.


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Typical signs and symptoms of Acromegaly include:

-Enlarged hands and feet
-Larger and broader facial features
-Protrusion of the lower jaw so the lower teeth extend beyond the upper teeth (under bite)

-Teeth separating
-Thickened, oily skin
-Excessive sweating and body odor
-Small skin outgrowths

 (skin tags)
-Fatigue and muscle

-A deepened, husky voice due to enlarged vocal cords and sinuses
-Severe snoring and frequent brief interruptions in nighttime breathing (sleep apnea) due to tissue swelling that blocks your upper airway
-Impaired vision

-Enlarged tongue
-Back pain
-Pain and limited mobility

 in joints

-Lactation in women
-Menstrual cycle irregularities in women
-Reduced sex drive and, in men, trouble achieving or maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction)
-Enlarged liver, heart, kidneys, spleen and other organs
-Increased chest size (barrel chest)

If you notice any long-term changes in your appearance or other symptoms you think may be associated with Acromegaly, CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN and request to see an ENDOCRINOLOGIST to have your IGF-1 levels checked. Be persistent if your Physician is not satisfactorily concerned.


Most folks diagnosed with Acromegaly will tell you that they first noticed their hands, feet and weight increasing substantially over a one year period.

Acromegaly usually develops slowly, and even your family members may not initially notice the gradual physical changes that have occurred. Timely diagnosis is important,, so that you can receive proper care. Acromegaly can lead to serious complications if it's not treated.


The Mayo Clinic Website

Has an excellent and extensive list of symptoms for all forms of pituitary tumors.



We May Be Experiencing A Great Volume Of Contact. Please Note...
Due to several factors (including but not limited to privacy and safety), all Blog Comments, Guest book posts, emails and correspondence will be screened by me (Tanya's Godmother and web-master, Tina). Once filtered, correspondence will be forwarded to Tanya and her Mom (Karen).

I certainly hope you will understand the need to handle contacts this way.  


In times of great volume, I appreciate your patience on my approval to your postings and, replies to your email.

The entire family appreciates your kindness, heartfelt sentiment, encouragement and the sharing of your own personal accounts, more than we could ever express!


Sincerely, Tina

All email addresses and content shall remain completely private and confidential.

For The Most Current, Accurate and "Official" Information:

Tina for Tanya ~ The Blog


You can also help us to spread the word about Acromegaly and other pituitary diseases by "voting up" our HubPage article




Is not a part of Tanya's website.

By going to the Gratefulness website, you will be leaving Tanya's site to write your prayer and light your candle.
Please come back to Tanya's website to leave a guestbook comment or a donation, if you wish.



~ Learning Center

Immune Function

The Human body's immune system is constantly under attack and suffers greatly when enduring the treatment of antibiotics and  prescription drugs. Learn how to improve and strengthen your immune system without drugs here.


Acromegaly Books


Pituitary Tumor Resources



Read More About:


Pituitary Diseases

Pituitary Tumors


A message from Tina...


“Hello, and thank you for visiting!


I personally want to extend a thank you from deep within my heart to all of those who have Emailed, Donated, commented on the Blog, lit a Virtual Candle or signed Tanya’s Guestbook.


If you’re familiar with the website, you’ll know that besides creating and maintaining the website and blog for Tanya, it’s also my job to screen all incoming email & posts…then, I forward it to the family.


I’ve been extremely moved by the many, many wonderful words of support and the outpouring of love for my Goddaughter Tanya, and her Mom Karen.

Once Again…

Thank You!”


~ Tina



< click on image to enlarge


Acromegaly and Other Pituitary Diseases Can Strike Anyone!

Learn More, Learn the Truth Here at The "Official" Tanya Angus Website


Would You Like To Join Us In Lighting A Remembrance Candle,

In Honor Of All That She's Done and Continues To Do?...



It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing on of our beloved Tanya Angus

 at 12:25 am January 14, 2013, due to her heart. RIP dear one.


"What a privilege and joy it was to have truly known Tanya Angus.
   To become her godmother and to hear her call me 'Tina-Mom', was an honor. To see her as the funny, loving, bright light she really was as opposed to a giant was nothing short of a blessing.

   With dignity, kindness, grace and class, Tanya took her place on a stage that fate had set. She maintained those qualities even as she was put in a spotlight of media and consequently, of the World.
   Tanya’s role has come to a physical end, but she left the stage open and asks all of us to come take our places to spread the word of awareness and early detection for Acromegaly and other pituitary tumors.

   We owe it to Tanya to fear not, to live well, and to carry forth that message to the World."

          ~ Tina Valle (Tanya's Godmother and Webmaster)




A note from Tina (Tanya's Godmother and webmaster):


We want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and sympathy you are sending our way. We ask for your patience in our response time as we are a bit overwhelmed with all of the media requests, emails and guestbook entries, as well as dealing with our grief.


Part of Tanya's legacy is her good work in spreading the word about education and early detection of the pituitary tumor ACROMEGALY. Tanya's heart's desire to spread that word will continue, here.


Very Sincerely,  Tina Valle




If you would like to make a monetary donation to help pay for Tanya's final resting expenses, we'd like to thank you in advance and ask you to please send your donation via PayPal

If you would like to snail mail a donation by another form of payment please contact Tanya's Godmother, Tina

Tanya's Legacy...

"I'm doing my job. I'm getting the word out about this condition, and that's all I ever wanted to do...And I just want to yell at the top of my lungs you know, 'I've helped somebody, you know?!'...And it's just such a good feeling."

~ Tanya Angus




Maybe you're here because you saw Tanya in the Media or in, "Help ~ I'm Turning Into A Giant". If so, you should know that the success of lowering her growth hormone by way of medication (featured at the end of the program) was extremely short lived. Tanya's growth hormone shot up again in the following month and has remained very high above the normal level.


Perhaps you're here because you want to learn more about Acromegaly, Acromegalic Gigantism, or you or someone you know is wondering if they have the same condition. While Tanya is an extreme case of Acromegaly, there are far more average looking people (similar to 'Mary', of the same program) affected by this disease, worldwide.


Whatever the reason, you've come to the right place and we're glad to have you! Tanya and her Mom Karen are happy to be helping people from all walks of life by sharing their story. >>> more



If you would like to make a monetary donation to help pay for Tanya's final resting expenses, we'd like to thank you in advance and ask you to please send your donation for Tanya via PayPal


If you would like to snail mail a donation by another form of payment please contact Tanya's Godmother, Tina

Click HERE for .pdf and more information



A VERY Special Thank You to Dr. Drew Pinsky/HLN and Staff




The purpose of this group is to support and educate patients and loved ones on the ins and outs of Acromegaly at no cost for you or your loved one.



~ For more information on Acromegaly and other forms of Pituitary Tumors, please visit

our friend Robert Knutzen's Pituitary Network Association, after your visit with us.


That's right, 1 in 5!  Some have estimated nearly 30%. In reviewing dozens of studies over the past 80 years on the Prevalence of Pituitary Tumors, the consensus was reached that at least 16.7% of the population develop or harbor pituitary tumors. 



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