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Tanya's World


"Tanya was 21 when she started growing. She had been living in Michigan for about three years, so she came back to Las Vegas in April of 2002. Allen (Tanya's step dad since she was 2 years old) and I were out of town, so Tanya's sister Susie (who suffers from Tarlov Cysts and has had 3 back surgeries herself) picked her up at the airport. Susie  saw a significant physical change in her sister and Tanya was taken to a friend who is a pediatrician. A few days later, our family's lives changed forever."

~ Karen Strutynski (Tanya's Mom)  click on image to enlarge


Tanya's Surgical Chronology~

First brain surgery: July 2002
Second brain surgery: July 2003 (followed by Gamma knife and six weeks of daily radiation)
Two (2) back surgeries: 2004
Tanya suffers a Bilateral Baseular Stroke: 2006. This impacts her 8th nerve and her hearing.
Back surgery #3: 2007
Movement is almost completely done in a Power Chair: 2005

The Family Gets A Break!: 2008
Tanya is hospitalized for 26 days: 2009

Tanya is hospitalized for Lung and Leg Emboli (blood clots) 3.5 weeks. May into June  2010
Tanya is hospitalized for excessive bleeding from kidney stones: June 17-18, 2010

Tanya's Human Growth Hormone~

The average persons growth hormone levels lie somewhere between 100-260. Tanya's growth hormone level has always been over 900 (except for in December 2009, when it was down to 644)! Regrettably, that was short-lived and now it's currently back up to over 1046.

Tanya and The Media Broadcasts~

The Today Show: First national TV interview: June 23, 2009
ABC Nightline: March 11, 2010
mynews3.com: March 12, 2010
AOL Health Line: March 12, 2010
TLC (The Learning Channel) "Help, I'm Turning Into A Giant!": March 14, 2010


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